The Emma & Kate weekend

A delayed flight meant that there was nothing left to do on Thursday except catch up over a cuppa. Then on Friday, the girls explored the city whilst I finished off the week at work then the fun began...
We got a bite to eat at a nice place in De Pijp area of Amsterdam. Then Sophie met us in a bar called Chocolate but it was rammed so we only had one there. But I think there was already enough drink inside us cos we left on our bikes and headed for Winstons. At first Kate was on the back of my bike till she fell off at some traffic lights so we collected another bike from Sophie's home for Kate. Both Emma and Kate full with wine provided such a good laugh for myself, sorry girls but I've not laughed so much in quite a while. The bikes over here are quite large and well lets just say the girls are not! But the laughter soon stopped as the crashes began. Yes "crashes" - your right I did use the plural!
When we got to Winstons, Emma did not quite hear my calls of "slow down we are here" and spanked into the back of my bike, falling flat on her face right outside the nightclub. Thank god for the alcohol numbing her pain. And thank god we kept the alcohol flowing in Winstons cos when we came out crash number two happened for Emma. None of us saw that one but it was the most painful and involved someone getting in her way and some serious arse to floor move :-( Not satisfied with only two crashes, Emma decided to take a further tumble in the Vondelpark. Deciding that travelling in a straight line was getting boring she preferred to weave into my back wheel. This time sliding along the floor on her hands, knees, boots and chin. Yes chin - checkout the pictures below for the attractive chin graze!
Getting up on Saturday was an effort but spurred on by the thought that we were going bodyboarding on the flow waves at DWD we some how managed to rush out the door for 10am. I'd booked a 1 hour introduction session for each of us and it was a blast - a perfect hangover cure! It was not that difficult so we all had a good few rides on the wave as you can see from the photos.
After a wonder round the white water course we decided to hit the local beach, Scheveningen, for some fresh sea are and some grub in a really nice Italian restaurant. I'll be back there someday :-) But that knocked us out, the girls were asleep in the car on the way home and we all crashed out for a few hours that afternoon. Saturday night was a quiet affair, there was a Museum night going on around town so we met Sandra and Sophie for a quick beer. As you can imagine the bikes got left at home that night so we tried to catch the last tram home but just missed it by ten mins so I had my first taxi ride home. €15 - thieving gypo's!
Sunday, we went for a blast round the park on the bikes before heading to see a band called Children Sumandre. They were performing at a really strange hippy commune place outside of town. It was rather spooky but a real good vibe - there was a lot of love in the house people!
We bumped into Pia, Timbo and Shauny there and as it was also Sophie birthday they kindly invited us all round to theirs for dinner. A glass of bubbly and some nice nosh rounded off a great weekend. Kate was on the first flight home Monday morning. Thanks for visiting Kate - hope you enjoyed it?!
But lucky me managed to get Emma to myself for another night. We went to see Dick Dale at Melkweg and he was brilliant. I had an idea he would probably be a dab hand on the guitar due to knowing his music from the film Pulp Fiction. But he managed to make all those sounds on his guitar with no wammy bar and later played the bass, drums and trumpet. He played the bass whilst the main bass player was also playing the same guitar - he also managed to play the bass guitar using the drum sticks! When he played the drums, there was also the main drummer still playing - two people on one drum kit sounds awesome.
Well that's me - another long post. Checkout the pictures from our weekend below and come back soon for another equally as long post about my weekend with Adam just gone...
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