I really like the image below that I got from the Howies website a while back. Last night reminded me of it as I was packing for a weekend of who knows what is going to happen?! I managed to sort out a couch to surf in the mountains of Austria. The ski resort St Anton is about an hour away but I may go somewhere else at my hosts recommendation. Somehow Peach also thought it was a good idea to join me and got a last minute bargain flight from London. So all I have planned for the weekend is that I have to pick up Peach from some dodgy German airport in the middle of nowhere and continue to my host's house arriving about 1am. From then on - who knows but I have packed plenty of bedding for kipping down in the back of the car if it all goes belly up!!! Plus a cheeky bottle of Tequila to celebrate if the weekend is a success ;-) To quote Mr Preacher - "DANGER!!!"

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